"The first of its kind in the history of art, this beautiful edition presents magnificent paintings of each of the 150 Psalms of King David in full color. Painted by well-known Jerualem artist Moshe Tzvi HaLevi Berger, these unique pictorial representations of the Tehillim masterfully intergrate art, truth, and spirituality. A volume to cherish and a perfect, one-of-a-kind gift! With full text of Psalms and commentary in English.
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<font color="blue">MOSHE TZVI HALEVI BERGER</font> is descended from a line of Hasidic rabbis.
During World War II, Berger was interned for almost three years in a Nazi work camp.
After the war, he became an oral surgeon but left for Paris in 1957 to study art at the Ecole des Beaux Arts.
A successful career as a secular artist changed focus after he began studying Torah and Kabbalah.
<br><br>After moving to the United States in the early 1980s Berger gained renown as the creator of
several huge Kabbalistic art murals on the walls of buildings in Florida and Brooklyn, N.Y.,
some six stories high! In 1995, he established the Museum of the Psalms in Jerusalem in a
building located in the courtyard of the synagogue built by former Israel Chief Rabbi,
Avraham Yitzhak Kook.
Since 1982, Berger’s work has been seen in more than 100 one-man shows on three continents.
Today, Berger makes his home in Jerusalem and still continues to paint.
It is the belief of the author-artist that his 150 paintings of the eternal and beloved words of
the Book of Psalms will " bring inspiration to the souls of many who seek spiritual enlightenment
and do not live by bread alone."
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