1. Gift Card
Gift cards are a great way to give a gift that is both thoughtful and practical. You can purchase one for anyone and for any occasion. They can then use it to purchase whatever they want or need. It is also a wonderful option for gift-giving, as it eliminates the need to spend time searching for the perfect gift and wrapping it.
It's the perfect solution for anyone who wants to give a gift that is sure to be appreciated.
Purchasing a gift card from our website is easy and convenient. Just choose the amount you want to give and your gift card will be delivered electronically to the recipient in no time, to your and their delight.
Lehmanns Gift cards can be used both on our website and in our Gateshead stores making it easier to use than ever before.

2. Gift Registry
Our Gift Registry is a very convenient and easy way for you to create a list for your upcoming Simcha or other occasion.
You can simply browse through our website and add the items you want to your Gift Registry with only just a few clicks.
It also makes it easier for your friends and family to choose the perfect gift for you. By having a Gift Registry on our website, you ensure that your family and friends are gifting you something you truly want and/or need.
It saves them time and effort as they don't have to spend hours searching for the perfect gift or worry about you receiving duplicate gifts.